Monday, November 5, 2012

eBook experience

Although I was not a big fan of eBooks and I feel I can read easily from printed books, I’m trying to move to the eBooks as much as possible. Now, I feel I’m more comfortable with eBooks than few months ago. EBooks save trees and paper. In addition, I feel it is easier to search in an eBook. I think also eBook save spaces and we can save thousands of books in our laptops or tablets, so they will not coast anything when a person wants to travel or move with his/her books. Since I have to go back to Saudi Arabia, taking my books with my will cost a lot. At the same time, I have valuable books that I want to take with me because I might need to return to in the future. So, the eBooks are great option for me. Additionally, the eBooks are usually cheaper than the printed books. Another great characteristic of eBooks that is very helpful for me, especially English is my second language, is that eBooks have a built in dictionary (most of them). All what I have to do is to click on the word and a window with meaning will appear to me immediately. 
Around 6 months ago, I read my first eBook. It was Educating the Net Generation by Diana G. Oblinger. ( This book is a great book. It will help educators to understand the Net Generation’s behaviors. It helps educators reach their students to achieve the desired learning.
Right now, I’m reading Wayne Hoy and Cecil Miskel’s Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice ( ). This book helps future administrators understand the content and context of schools. It talks about the school as a social system, structure in schools, individuals in schools, organizational culture and climate of schools, power and politics in schools, decision-making in schools, communication in schools, and leadership in schools.
Ebooks become important for schools. Besides saving trees and papers, teachers will feel it is easier and faster to look for information electronically. In addition, when a teacher finds valuable ideas, s/he can easily give it to the students. In addition, by using eTextbooks, a lot of the costs will be cuts. In addition, eBooks are more heather for the students’ backs because they will not be carrying heavy books everyday. 

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